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Almost everyone who has money in the stock market has lost money in the last year and a half. This makes it difficult to get any confidence back and have any faith that the market will go up again. Having it go down so far and so fast has probably unnerved quite a few investors.

As said before, one way to trade cotton is to trade cotton futures that get traded on the various futures exchanges. gold Locations Now, futures trading is somewhat different than stock trading. Futures contracts get marked to the market every day. What this means is that if your positions get worse, you can get a margin call from your broker to either close the position or put more funds in the account. Futures market is highly volatile and an inexperienced trader can get wiped out in matter of minutes.

The old days of trading stocks was a wild-west show. Finding out how a stock has done over the past few years was one of the hardest things about it. There was virtually no record keeping. Even worse than that, no one had any clue what the market, itself, was doing.

When looking at risk, you should consider both the stock's risk and what that risk represents in your overall portfolio. This will depend on the diversification of your investment portfolio. You have higher risk with stocks and lower risks with bonds and money markets. However, the risks associated with investing in stocks are less than investing in options or futures. And remember that there are different types of stock with different risk levels. Speculative stocks have a higher risk than Blue Chips, in general. You need to understand the risk level you are taking on with each of your investment choices.

Overall, day trading is a very rewarding career for you to go into. While it is risky, you will reap the rewards that come with working from home. YOu can trade whenever the market is on and you can finally start realizing some of the return that you deserve.